Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Northend Studio Project presents Film Festival
Northend Studio Project
an independent short
film festival 2010
call for entries.
We are looking to screen 30-50 short films and are looking for films that could exist in the following categories: Documentary, Narrative, Experimental. The film length request: 5-7 minutes with a limit of 3 entries per person.
The festival will run for an entire day in August of 2010 at Northend Studios located at 2937 East Grand Boulevard in Detroit, MI.
Deadlines to get your films in are May 10, 2010
Early bird fee of $15 per entry form
And June 1, 2010
Regular fee of $20 per entry form
Checks or money order made out to Northend Studios.
Digital files or links may be sent with entry form to:
Northendstudios@gmail.com (those selected will be contacted and asked to send NTSC formatted DVDs with printed entry form to Northend Studios)
Hard copies and payment with entry form may be addressed to:
Northend Studios / film 2010
2937 East Grand Boulevard
Detroit, Michigan 48215, USA.
*Please send self-addressed envelope with package if you wish to get it back.
Feel free to contact us through email with any questions.
GOOD LUCK. The selected will be notified mid-July of 2010
-Northend Studios
Northend Studio Project Independent Short Film Festival 2010 Entry Form
Competition entry early-bird deadline May 10, 2010 ($15)
Competition entry regular deadline June 1, 2010 ($20)
Filmmaker(s) ______________________________
Postal Code___________Country_______________
Phone_______________Email Address__________
1.Film Title__________________________________Run time________
Fill in category DNarrativeDDocumentaryDExperimental
Fill in category DNarrativeDDocumentaryDExperimental
3.Film Title______________________________________________
Fill in category DNarrativeDDocumentaryDExperimental
D Payment attached
D Payment in mail with duplicate copy of Entry Form (for digital entries)